In lieu of a better written, more thoroughly researched opinion, I would just like to announce, with all of my millions of readers as witnesses, that I henceto hereforth am calling North Korea's bluff.
For those of you who haven't heard the hullabaloo (hehe, "hullabaloo") about Operation Invincible Spirit (hehe, "Invincible Spirit"), here's the rundown. The US and South Korea are planning some joint training exercises, dubbed Operation Invincible Spirit, in North Korean waters. Apparently there's going to be an aircraft carrier plus twenty or so American ships involved (in other words, about 1% of the US Naval Fleet). Here is one of many news articles reporting on this epically trivial event. Before you read the next line, make sure you don't have any water in your mouth, because this shit is pretty funny.
In reaction to all of this, North Korea has threatened South Korea and America with, and I quote, a "physical response".
A "physical response" from North Korea? That's like a kick in the balls from Verne Troyer. Or a gunshot wound from Stephen Hawking. It's just really not that scary. Or possible. The last time North Korea tried to launch an ICBM, it ended up crashing into the ocean forty seconds later. I may eat my words, but I'm willing to put my stunningly flawless reputation on the line and say that I really don't think they're going to be getting more physical than a patty-cake competition any time soon.
For those of you who haven't heard the hullabaloo (hehe, "hullabaloo") about Operation Invincible Spirit (hehe, "Invincible Spirit"), here's the rundown. The US and South Korea are planning some joint training exercises, dubbed Operation Invincible Spirit, in North Korean waters. Apparently there's going to be an aircraft carrier plus twenty or so American ships involved (in other words, about 1% of the US Naval Fleet). Here is one of many news articles reporting on this epically trivial event. Before you read the next line, make sure you don't have any water in your mouth, because this shit is pretty funny.
In reaction to all of this, North Korea has threatened South Korea and America with, and I quote, a "physical response".
A "physical response" from North Korea? That's like a kick in the balls from Verne Troyer. Or a gunshot wound from Stephen Hawking. It's just really not that scary. Or possible. The last time North Korea tried to launch an ICBM, it ended up crashing into the ocean forty seconds later. I may eat my words, but I'm willing to put my stunningly flawless reputation on the line and say that I really don't think they're going to be getting more physical than a patty-cake competition any time soon.