Before I finally get around to finishing my Most Underwhelming Inventions List, I would like the share with you a little moment of disbelief I recently experienced on my way out of LAX, in a new segment I would like to call:
"Wtf Rly?!?!" with Jon Zhang
(not at all an SNL rip-off)
This week's "Wtf Rly?!?" moment - A Toyota Prius with, you guessed it, custom rims.

Let me reiterate: this is a Toyota Prius with custom rims.
To start with, custom rims are a bit like...really expensive cummerbunds. Unfunctional, unnecessary, and something no one would ever miss if you didn't put one on.
Second, there is an inverse relationship between how cool you look in a car versus how many enviro-eco-mental-hollywood-hipster points you earn with it, and that is precisely why Priuses are so ugly.
Third, the only time custom rims can ever possibly be useful is to reduce weight on a really fast sports car. And if there's an antonym for "really fast sports car", then that word is probably "Prius".
So by putting custom rims on a Prius you are spending money trying to make something, whose whole point is to be ugly and slow, prettier and faster. It's like wrapping a carbon-fiber-encrusted cummerbund around Jay Leno's chin.
"Wtf Rly?!?!" with Jon Zhang
(not at all an SNL rip-off)
This week's "Wtf Rly?!?" moment - A Toyota Prius with, you guessed it, custom rims.

Let me reiterate: this is a Toyota Prius with custom rims.
To start with, custom rims are a bit like...really expensive cummerbunds. Unfunctional, unnecessary, and something no one would ever miss if you didn't put one on.
Second, there is an inverse relationship between how cool you look in a car versus how many enviro-eco-mental-hollywood-hipster points you earn with it, and that is precisely why Priuses are so ugly.
Third, the only time custom rims can ever possibly be useful is to reduce weight on a really fast sports car. And if there's an antonym for "really fast sports car", then that word is probably "Prius".
So by putting custom rims on a Prius you are spending money trying to make something, whose whole point is to be ugly and slow, prettier and faster. It's like wrapping a carbon-fiber-encrusted cummerbund around Jay Leno's chin.